Friday, April 27, 2012

Traditional Use of Sabah Snake Grass SSG (Daun Belalai Gajah)

Sabah snake grass or Clinacanthus nutans belongs to the family of Acanthaceae.
This herbs which is believed to be in the group of grass has been one of the herbs that traditionally been used in treating herpes simplex virus in certain countries in Asia, especially Thailand, Cambodia and main part of China
1. HIV-2
According to medical reports, Sabah snake grass’s extracts were effective in treating HSV-2.  However, there is no clear evidence of the mechanism how it works against the viral infection. From case studies, it was found that patients treated with the extracts, showed great reductions in viral activity.
2. Bites and Rash
The herb is known for it anti toxic ability and has been used in treating poisonous bites by snakes, scorpion and nettle rash.
3.  Inflammatory conditions
The herb is also used in various manner to treat haematoma, contusion, strains and sprains of injuries and rheumatism.
4.  Medical conditions
5. Other uses include treading gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, regulating mentrual function, relieving pain, anaemia, jaundice and setting of fractured bones.
Thailand, Indonesia, China and Malaysia are several users of Sabah snake grass.

The recent experiments of using Sabah snake grass against cancer produced commendable results. The success were widely talk about by its users and herbalists especially in Asia.

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