Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jus Cegah Kanser Yang Awet Muda dan Super Detox Dengan SSG Daun Belalai Gajah dan Graviola

Rahsia Dibongkarkan Buat Pertama Kali !!!!

Jus Cegah Kanser Yang Awet Muda dan Super Detox Dengan SSG Daun Belalai Gajah dan Graviola

SSG + Kentang + Lobak Merah + Epal hijau ~ 
Jus Pembersihan Organ & Sistem Dalaman

Kita sekarang dah kerja bagus, dapat gaji setiap bulan bagi hadiah kat diri sendiri..jam lah, make up lah, baju lah, perfume lah...

Pakai kereta honda, toyota..jaga enjin dan body kereta bukan main lawa..setiap 5,000km bagi servis kereta baik punya..tuuu diaa...


Berapa lama kita hidup, sejak dua tiga empat puluh tahun ni berapa kali kita servis organ dalaman, servis bagi buang bahan toksin yang terkumpul dalam tubuh yang kita kumpulkan setelah zaman muda hingga kini...

Berapa kali detox? 

Puasa pun sebab puasa tu tuntutan  wajib di bulan Ramadhan..tapi masa berbuka dan lepas raya, gaya makan kita makan seperti dah lama tak jumpa makanan.. (masa beli juadah tu, dalam hati berbisik rindu dendam nak makan ini, itu etc etc hehehehe...) dia resipi detox. Buat lah semampunya, jaga dan pelihara tubuh badan kita. 

Ingatlah... Bahawa ... Organ2 dalam tubuh ni hanya pinjaman dari Nya semata. Jaga amanah dan jaga kesihatan, meh sama2 kita...

Jus mudah dibuat, sedap pula rasa nya...

a) SSG /Grav+Kentang+Lobak Merah+Epal Hijau (for stomach and limpa)
b) SSG /Grav+Betik + Nenas (untuk kolon, bantu masalah sembelit secara semulajadi)
c) SSG /Grav+Lemon+Daun Ketumbar+ LObak Merah+ Epal Hijau (jus untuk bersihkan/detox n kelenjar limfa)
d) SSG /Grav+Peria+EPal Hijau (bersihkan hati)
e) SSG /Grav +Asparagus + broccoli+Lobak Merah+Epal Hijau (Anti-oxidant and jus lawan kanser)


Dapatkan produk CEGAH & RAWATAN ALTERNATIF  KANSER dengan B17.
CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

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Kebaikan Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah

Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah - Clinacanthus / Clinathanus.

Harga RM120 Ekstrak Gred AAA
Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah - (Clinacanthus / Clinathanus)Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah dikenali oleh kaum cina sebagai herba rawatan bagi buah pinggang. Dalam bahasa cina, dipanggil digelar “Shen Chao” kerana khasiatnya yang bantu membuang racun dari buah pinggang. Kerana itu juga, ada sebahagian masyarakat yang memanggil pokok herba ini sebagai pokok buah pinggang. Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah juga banyak khasiat yang lain.

 Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah telah meluas digunakan di serata pelosok asia dalam perubatan tradisional. Di negara Thailand, Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah digunakan sebagai bahan ubat anti-inflamasi untuk merawat gigitan serangga beracun. Dalam beberapa kes dan kajian di Thailand, Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah juga banyak membantu dalam masalah jangkitan hati dan mengurangkan tindak balas bagi masalah alergi.

Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah mengandungi klorofil yang tinggi. Klorofil adalah pigment hijau yang terdapat pada tumbuhan, suatu elemen yang membolehkan tumbuhan menyerap tenaga/energi dari sinaran matahari dalam proses fotosintesis. Kandungan klorofil dalam Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah sangat membantu proses pembuangan toksid dalam tubuh. 

Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah membantu mengurangkan kesakitan akibat keradangan kerana khasiat nya berupaya membekalkan nutrisi pada sel dan tisu badan. 

Perhatian kepada pesakit kanser dan pesakit yang menghadapai masalah ketumbuhan seperti fibroid. Pengambilan Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah secara sistematik setiap hari dan pada jumlah yang betul akan membantu meningkatkan kadar oksigen dalam badan, sekaligus menjadi bahan yang membantu menahan kesakitan dan mengurangkan keradangan pada bahagian berkanser atau denyutan di ketumbuhan. 

Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah yang tinggi klorofil juga memberi kebaikan sebagai anti-oksidan, agen pembuangan toksin yang sangat baik, menyuburkan tisu otot dan menguatkan tulang.

Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah Pada :
>> Pesakit Kanser

>> Pesakit Masalah Ketumbuhan (Fibroid, Bengkak Kelenjar)
**untuk semua jenis penyakit KANSER

1. Membantu mengurangkan kesakitan dan memulihkan masalah keradangan
2. Membekalkan dan meningkatkan oksige dalam tubuh badan
3. Membantu memulihkan kerosakan sel akibat serangan kanser
4. Membantu mengecutkan ketumbuhan
5. Menyediakan tubuh pada keadaan untuk me-nyah atau membuang sel-sel mati kanser melalui perkumuhan
6. Menggalakkan pertumbuhan sel baru, terutama dalam kanser paru-paru,

Cara pengambilan bagi pesakit kanser :
***Amalkan 4-8 kali satu hari
1. 1/2 sudu teh (2 gram)  dicampur pada separuh cawan air suam panas. 2. 1/2 sudu teh (2 gram) dicampur pada jus buahan.

Kebaikan Ekstrak Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Daun Belalai Gajah Pada :
>> Individu Sihat
>> Lelaki berusia 40 ke atas
>> Wanita berusia 45 ke atas
>> Warga Emas
>> Bekas Pesakit Kanser
>> Perokok
>> Peminum Alkohol/Arak
>> Pesakit Diabetes/Kencing Manis

1. Membantu masalah kolesterol dalam darah
2. Membantu meneutralkan URIC ACID dalam darah
3. Membantu masalah darah cair
4. Membantu masalah Hematoma
5. Melembutkan urat bagi masalah sendi terseliuh atau urat lari/salah urat

6. Agen yang baik bagi masalah rheumatism (masalah sendi)
7. Membantu mengurangkan masalah sembelit berdarah

8. Membantu menstabilkan paras gula dalam darah & terbaik untuk pesakit kencing manis
9. Membantu masalah senggugut pada wanita
10. Membantu masalah sakit kuning (jaundice)
11. Membantu mempercepatkan pemulihan tulang yang retak
12. Membantu mengurangkan kesakitan masalah komplikasi gigi (sakit gigi) & sebagai agen bunuh kuman di mulut. Bancuh dan kumur sebagai amalan
13. Bertindak sebagai agen bunuh radikal bebas dalam darah
14. Mempunyai bahan anti-oksidan yang tinggi
15. Baik sebagai agen membantu menstabilkan masalah varicella-zoster virus infection (ala2 chicken pox)
16. Baik sebagai agen kecutkan ulcer mulut (sakit mata ikan)

Cara pengambilan : 1/2 sudu teh (2 gm )  dicampur pada separuh cawan air suam panas. Amalkan 1-2 kali satu hari sebagai suplemen kesihatan.  Atau bila perlu ketika sakit.


Dapatkan produk CEGAH & RAWATAN ALTERNATIF  KANSER dengan B17.
CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

Jom Like Kami di Facebook SSG Daun Belalai Gajah Penawar Kanser


1.          R. Watson, Ronald R. Watson, Victor R. Preedy Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice CAB International Cambridge 2008 pg. 819.
2.          Andrea Pieroni, Ina Vandebroek Traveling cultures and plants: the ethnobiology and ethnopharmacy of migrations Berghahn Books New York 2007 pg. 112.
3.          Flora of China ACANTHACEAE [Accessed on: 21st January 2010]
4.          H. Arief Hariana Tumbuhan Obat dan Khasiatnya 2 Penebar Swadaya Jakarta 2008 pg. 56.
5.          Chuinradee Jayavasu; Thaweephol Dechatiwongse; Kroavon Balachandra Virucidal activity of Clinacanthus nutans Lindau extracts against herpes simplex virus type-2: In vitro study    Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences (Thailand); Warasan Krom Witthayasat Kanphaet Oct-Dec 1992 v. 34(4) p. 153-158.
6.          Yoosook C, Panpisutchai Y, Chaichana S, Santisuk T, Reutrakul V. Evaluation of anti-HSV-2 activities of Barleria lupulina and Clinacanthus nutans. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999 Nov 1;67(2):179-87.
7.          Busarawan Sriwanthana, Pranee Chavalittumrong,Laor Chompuk Effect of Clinacanthus nutans on Human Cell-mediated Immune Response in vitro. Thai J. Pharm. Sci., 1996 Vol 20(4):261-267.
9.          Wanikiat P, Panthong A, Sujayanon P, Yoosook C, Rossi AG, Reutrakul V. The anti-inflammatory effects and the inhibition of neutrophil responsiveness by Barleria lupulina and Clinacanthus nutans extracts. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Mar 5;116(2):234-44.
10.       Cherdchu C, Poopyruchpong N, Adchariyasucha R, Ratanabanangkoon K. The absence of antagonism between extracts of Clinacanthus nutans Burm. and Naja naja siamensis venom. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1977 Jun;8(2):249-54.
11.       Patchareewan Pannangpetch, Pisamai Laupattarakasem, Veerapol Kukongviriyapan, Upa Kukongviriyapan, Bunkerd Kongyingyoes and Chantana Aromdee Antioxidant activity and protective effect against oxidative hemolysis of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f) Lindau Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., March 2007, 29(Suppl. 1) : 1-9.
12.       Sangkitporn S, Chaiwat S, Balachandra K, Na-Ayudhaya TD, Bunjob M, Jayavasu C. Treatment of herpes zoster with Clinacanthus nutans (bi phaya yaw) extract. J Med Assoc Thai. 1995 Nov;78(11):624-7.
13.       Siriporn Timpawat, La-ongthong Vajrabhaya. Clinical evaluation of clinacanthus nutans lindau in orabase in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis Mahidol Dental Journal Vol 14(1): 10 – 16

14.       Mali Wirotesangthong, Takayuki Nagai, Haruki Yamada, Surattana Amnuoypol and Chutichot Mungmee Effects of Clinacanthus siamensis leaf extract on influenza virus infection Microbiol Immunol 2009; 53: 66–74.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

SSG With Raw Vege & Fruit Juicing

SSG Juice With Raw Vegetable and Fruit Juice Flush
Juicing Detoxification System
Be creative and help your taste bud to enjoy the flavourful of SSG with juices. There are many combinations of raw herbs and vegetable fruit juices. This is also known to the Chinese communities as the 'life juices' because of the healing properties.
1. Have the juice every morning alternatively
2. Best to have with empty stomach, to maximise the absorption of nutrients and the natural enzymes
3. May add some natural honey/manuka/stevia for taste/flavour
4. May add 2-3 cubes of ice, if desired (better to drink it plain for healing purposes)
Beetroot, Carrot and AppleJjuice with SSG(for blood purifying and heart) 

 Beetroot  is known for its rich in properties an an anti-oxidant, magnesium, sodium and potasium and other source of vital vitamins too
2. Beetroot contains betaine which a great help for cardiovascular health. It is known to help prevention of heart cases like stroke, heart disease, clogged blood vessels, and other peripheral vascular diseases.

Due to the starchy substance, potatoe juice is filling too but the great part of it is, potatoe is fat-free with all natural dietary fibre. Good for those who intend to lose weight.

3. Potatoe has a type of Vit C which is not avail in those citrus fruits. Having this juice together with a good meal of protein+collagen is very good for skin

4. The combination of potatoe+carrot+green apple+SSG extract is best to help digestion system, stomach cleansing and for spleen health too

Beetroot Juice Nutrition

SSG + Potatoe + Carrot + Green Apple Juice Flush ~ Detoxification System
a) A glass of Potato, carrot and apple fresh blend juice (for stomach and spleen)
c) Burdock, Carrot and Apple juice (for lymph node cleanse)
d) Bitter gourd apple juice, once a week(For liver cleanse)
e) Asparagus or broccoli, Carrot and Apple Juice (Anti-oxidant and cancer fighting juice)

CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Food s To Avoid When Consuming Sabah Snake Grass Juice

You may wonder if, is there any foods to avoid when you are on Sabah Snake Grass dosages. Like most Chinese traditional medical practices, there are foods to avoid when you under any of Sabah snake grass therapy.
Foods that contradict to the therapy should be avoided. Such foods include tonics, Chinese medicine, steroid/growth hormone injected poultry from farms such as chicken, duck, butter, sweet potato (taro), Glutinous rice, Mackerel,  Stingrays, deep fried food and durian.

However village/”kampong” chicken/duck that is free of injections is fine.

CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

Friday, May 11, 2012

SSG + Potatoe + Carrot + Green Apple Juice Flush ~ Detoxification System

SSG Juice With Raw Vegetable and Fruit Juice Flush
Juicing Detoxification System
Be creative and help your taste bud to enjoy the flavourful of SSG with juices. There are many combinations of raw herbs and vegetable fruit juices. This is also known to the Chinese communities as the 'life juices' because of the healing properties.1. Have the juice every morning alternatively
2. Best to have with empty stomach, to maximise the absorption of nutrients and the natural enzymes
3. May add some natural honey/manuka/stevia for taste/flavour
4. May add 2-3 cubes of ice, if desired (better to drink it plain for healing purposes)

Potatoe + Carrot + Green Apple (+SSG)

1. Potatoe is rich in natural carb, folate, simple chain of protein and other source of vitamins too
2. Due to the starchy substance, potatoe juice is filling too but the great part of it is, potatoe is fat-free with all natural dietary fibre. Good for those who intend to lose weight.
3. Potatoe has a type of Vit C which is not avail in those citrus fruits. Having this juice together with a good meal of protein+collagen is very good for skin
4. The combination of potatoe+carrot+green apple+SSG extract is best to help digestion system, stomach cleansing and for spleen health too


Dapatkan produk CEGAH & RAWATAN ALTERNATIF  KANSER dengan B17.

CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

Jom Like Kami di Facebook SSG Daun Belalai Gajah Penawar Kanser

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Indian Snake Grass vs Sabah Snake Grass

There are two common types of snake grass. These are Indian snake grass and Sabah snake grass.
Both the snake grasses have medical values. Indian snake grass is great of relieving body heat and treating bites from snakes and insects. But they are not effective against cancer. Their leaves are broader, shorter and straighter edges. They are bitter in taste. Below are some Indian snake grass to share with you.
Indian snake grass
Sabah snake grass, although is from the same family does not carry a bitter taste like Indian snake grass. It tastes like ordinary green leaves. They are also used by herbalists to treat heatiness, snake bites, insect bites and lately been found to be effective against cancer. The grass have curvy edges, longer and slimmer leaves. Below is a picture of some leaves to share with you.

Below picture: Right is Sabah Snake Grass leave and Left is Indian Snake Grass Leave.
Sabah Snake Grass 

CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Traditional Use of Sabah Snake Grass SSG (Daun Belalai Gajah)

Sabah snake grass or Clinacanthus nutans belongs to the family of Acanthaceae.
This herbs which is believed to be in the group of grass has been one of the herbs that traditionally been used in treating herpes simplex virus in certain countries in Asia, especially Thailand, Cambodia and main part of China
1. HIV-2
According to medical reports, Sabah snake grass’s extracts were effective in treating HSV-2.  However, there is no clear evidence of the mechanism how it works against the viral infection. From case studies, it was found that patients treated with the extracts, showed great reductions in viral activity.
2. Bites and Rash
The herb is known for it anti toxic ability and has been used in treating poisonous bites by snakes, scorpion and nettle rash.
3.  Inflammatory conditions
The herb is also used in various manner to treat haematoma, contusion, strains and sprains of injuries and rheumatism.
4.  Medical conditions
5. Other uses include treading gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, regulating mentrual function, relieving pain, anaemia, jaundice and setting of fractured bones.
Thailand, Indonesia, China and Malaysia are several users of Sabah snake grass.

The recent experiments of using Sabah snake grass against cancer produced commendable results. The success were widely talk about by its users and herbalists especially in Asia.

CALL/SMS Hotline Anti Kanser 016-7337380.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Scientific Test On SSG

A typical herbal plant is normally known to the Chinese community in Malaysia " Sabah Snake Grass" or in Bahasa Malaysia is called as "Daun Belalai Gajah" has now in the great demand due to the healing properties for curing cancer and other various illness.

The plant, "Sabah Snake Grass" SSG or it's scientific name is Clinacanthus has been used traditionally in Thailand for treatments of snake bites, skin rashes, herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoser virus lesions. The success records of the grass against these illnesses has brought up several heated debates on whether does the grass really works or it was just pure coincident.

To clear the air, the Department of Medical Science Ministry of Public Health of Thailand decided to conduct detailed scientific tests on the grass to find out it has contributed so uniquely in the healing process. The research/test was done back in 2006-2008.

The final results of the tests showed that the antiviral chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b related compounds from Sabah snake grass played an important part in healing of herpes infections.Here is the full reports on the test, but it is very technical and not so easily understood by layman.
The Sabah snake grass has been scientifically tested for its medical values. Now it is no surprise this wonder grass can works on cancers. Perhaps, it is worth a try especially when you are in a desperate situation when a hope is always better than none.


Please contact us for the SSG Extracts supplies. HOTLINE 016-7337380.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

SSG Juice With Green Apple & Lime/Lemon

Direction for juicing SSG

  • Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
  • Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
  • Add 1 quarter lemon or half a lime (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
  • Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put into the blender
  • Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds, cut into small pieces and put into blender
  • Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes

Saturday, March 31, 2012

SSG Juice Recipe with Houttuynia Cordata & Green Apple

Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) + Houttuynia Cordata Herbs

Ada pelbagai cara juicing dengan SSG, boleh dicampur dengan herba-herba lain, juga amat sesuai dicampur bersama buahan juga.

Selain sedap bila dibancuh bersama dengan jus epal hijau, diketahui juga SSG juga lazat diminum bersama jus nenas, juga herba 
 "Houttuynia Cordata" yang bersifat anti-oksidan dan membantu penghadaman dan pembersihan kolon yang lebih baik.

Apabila jus SSG+Green Apple+
Houttuynia Cordata di blend bersama, khasiat nya berganda kebaikan dan meningkatkan daya pemulihan tubuh badan.

Elakkan penggunaan gula, sebaiknya menggunakan stevia atau madu sebagai perasa semulajadi.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Clinacanthus Nutans (Sabah Snake Grass) Helps Cure Cancer Naturally

Sabah snake grass or scientifically known as Clinacanthus is believed to be able to cure cancer when used in the right way.
There were many stories on how this miracle sabah snake grass cured cancer patients. It is was reported in one of the Malaysian Chinese Dailies, Guang Ming Daily, a man with Stage 4 Lymphatic Cancer experienced great improvement and progress in his health after adding the miracle grass in his daily diet.
The man has undergo 9 chemo therapies but to no avail. He has been diagnosed by several doctors that he can only survived for another 3 months. He took a drastic action stopped all chemo therapies and began to to take sabah snake grass in his daily diet. He is now still alive after 2 years from the day he told that he could only survive for another 3 months.
It is not easy to get sabah snake grass, as it is not well known and not sold commonly in markets or shops. Therefore, he decided to plant the grass himself for his self consumption. In accordance to him, he drank blended the grass leaves and green apple mixture daily after breakfast.
After 3 days, he found that 6 tumors has disappeared. 3 days later, he went for a blood test.He was stunned when the oncologist told him that the result showed that he was 96% cured from cancer.
At the time of writing, the newspaper claimed that more than 200 people experienced great improvement and progress in health after taking sabah snake grass daily. This new revelation has prompted my medical bodies doing various studies on this miracle grass.
The taste is like chewing raw green leave in your mouth. It is not too difficult to take.
There are many other stories on how the sabah snake grass has helped to overcome the deadly cancer diseases. Successful stories include triumph over Prostate Cancer, Breast and Lung Cancer and Leukemia.
People with Kidney, High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid and Diabetes problems also experienced great improvements after taking the miracle grass treatments.
Please note that although there are stories of how cancer sufferers have recovered from cancer, it is not likely that a single method can cure all cancers. Every individual is different. Therefore, methods that work for others may not work for everyone.

However,if you are a cancer patient and are looking for an alternative method other than your current one, this organic and herbal Sabah Snake Grass treatment may worth a try.
A YouTube Video showcasing the Sabah Snake Grass plant up-closed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) Herbal Cancer Treatment

Herbal cancer treatment : Introduction

This article is more for local readers in Malaysia. However the information is useful wherever you are located. It is about a herb for cancer, therefore aptly titled “herbal cancer treatment”.
I got this from a viral email and I traced the source as well as other sites that featured this similar subject on this herb. It is about this local herb that has cured many cancer patients. As I cautioned in my other articles on “alternative cancer cure”, this particular herbal treatment is no exception. It is not likely that one method or a single herb can cure everyone of cancer. Each individual is different and the condition of the disease is also different. In this article, I merely like to share the information that some cancer patients have been successful in curing their sicknesses by using this herb. Who knows, someone reading this article may also benefit from this piece of information.
The name of this herb is locally called Sabah Snake Grass. Sabah is a state in Malaysia. Apparently the “scientific" name is Clinacanthus, or Clinathanus. But I don’t think it is, as I can’t find such terms in the internet. The Chinese name is Yu Xun Cao. There are also "local names" like Belalai Gajah and Gendis. But never mind; you can take a look at the photos on the right.

Herbal cancer treatment : Traditional uses of SSG

Sabah Snake Grass has traditionally been used for the following health problems:
  • Sore throat
  • Uric acid
  • Gout
  • Uterine fibroid
  • Kidney problems
  • Prostate inflammation
  • Skin problems like eczema, shingles, and psoriasis

Herbal cancer treatment : SSG cures cancer

This is the piece of information that might save lives. Who knows. So no harm sharing here. I shall give the links to the relevant sites at the end of this article.
It was reported in another site that Sabah Snake Grass has cured so many types of cancer:
  • Lung cancer
  • Uterus cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Dialysis patients
Others with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high uric acid and diabetes have also benefitted from Sabah Snake Grass.

The copyright to this article is owned by Good Guy.
*great thanks to Good Guy who shared this info