Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Indian Snake Grass vs Sabah Snake Grass

There are two common types of snake grass. These are Indian snake grass and Sabah snake grass.
Both the snake grasses have medical values. Indian snake grass is great of relieving body heat and treating bites from snakes and insects. But they are not effective against cancer. Their leaves are broader, shorter and straighter edges. They are bitter in taste. Below are some Indian snake grass to share with you.
Indian snake grass
Sabah snake grass, although is from the same family does not carry a bitter taste like Indian snake grass. It tastes like ordinary green leaves. They are also used by herbalists to treat heatiness, snake bites, insect bites and lately been found to be effective against cancer. The grass have curvy edges, longer and slimmer leaves. Below is a picture of some leaves to share with you.

Below picture: Right is Sabah Snake Grass leave and Left is Indian Snake Grass Leave.
Sabah Snake Grass 

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